When your dishwasher smells fishy, it means something isn’t right. Having to deal with this odor on a regular basis can be quite frustrating. If you’re confused as to what to do, then take advantage of the useful information below and eliminate that nasty smell right away.
Cleaning your dishwasher filter
One of the main reasons a dishwasher will smell fishy is because particles of food have become trapped in the filter. This filter should be cleaned regularly.

Filters will be different for each model. However, they are all located in this area.
To do this, you’ll have to remove it. Each dishwasher is different, so you’ll need to read your manual and find out where the filter is positioned and how to pop it out. Typically, they’re located near the bottom of the unit. When cleaning your filter, you’ll want to remember these tips:
The best way to clean your dishwasher’s filter is to hold it under running water and fully rinse it until all the food particles and soils have been washed out. You can also use a soft soap to get it especially clean.

Not cleaning the dishwasher filter regularly can reduce the life of the unit.
Avoid using scouring pads and wire brushes to clean the filter. These things can cause damage to the filter.
If your filter has areas that are hard to get fully clean or there are calcium deposits, you can use a cushy brush. Just make sure the bristles are soft.
After you have cleaned your dishwasher’s filter, re-insert it back into the unit. However, if you noticed a lot of wear and tear on the filter, you may want just to go ahead and invest in a new one. These usually have to be specially ordered.
Give your dishwasher a good cleaning
If you’ve cleaned the filter and you’re still wondering how to get rid of that fishy smell in your dishwasher, then you’ll want to give the inside of your dishwasher a complete clean.
To get your dishwasher full clean, you’ll need baking soda, a simple soap, and a little water. Mix the three into a paste and with the use of a soft sponge or rag, use it to clean the inside of the dishwasher.
Make sure you don’t forget to shrub the gaskets, all four walls, and the shelves as well. Once you have scrubbed every inch of the inside, rinse the paste out by running your dishwasher at the hottest temperature possible. When the cycle is complete, you’ll notice that your dishwasher will be much cleaner and will also smell a lot better too.
Problems with the dishwasher drain hose
There are several things that can happen to your dishwasher’s drain hose, which all can create a fishy odor. First, if your dishwasher’s drain hose is bend or even kinked in the slightest bit, the wastewater can easily flow back into the dishwasher, causing a fishy smell. To eliminate this issue, all you have to do is simply straighten out the hose, so the wastewater can exit freely from your dishwasher.
Second, if your dishwasher’s drain hose is positioned too low, it can cause the wastewater to run back into the dishwasher. To fix this issue, all you have to do is elevate and then loop the hose. This will keep the wastewater from flowing back into the inside of the dishwasher.
Third, the air gap in your dishwasher’s drain hose will also cause a fishy smell when waste particles clog it up. What you’ll need to do is clean out all the waste from the air gap and run your dishwasher on an empty cycle.
Fourth, if you rarely run your dishwasher, mold and mildew can begin to grow on the inside of your dishwasher’s drain hose and even the inside of the dishwasher. If you don’t use your machine often, crack the door on your dishwasher a little to let in some air. This will help prevent mold and mildew from growing by drying all the moisture.
Tips to keep your dishwasher from smelling fishy
Listed below are some very useful tips to help keep your dishwasher from smelling like fish. By making use of these tips, you’ll also help keep your dishwasher running well for many years.
☆ Always rinse your plates before placing them in the dishwasher. Neglecting to do this can cause chunks of food to clog the filter.
☆ Clean both the inside and the outside regularly. This includes sweeping out any food that might have accidentally been shoved under the machine.
☆ Run an empty cycle every once in a while to keep the drain hose and the inside of the machine clean.
☆ Clean your dishwasher’s filter regularly.
☆ Keep on eye on the drain hose to make sure it’s not kinked or bent, it’s not positioned too low, it’s mold and mildew-free, and the air gap isn’t clogged.
If you follow these easy tips, you’ll keep your dishwasher from stinking like fish, and you’ll also keep the machine running well. It’s your dishwasher. You might as well get the most out of it.
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